Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Data Streaming

If Data Streaming is enabled, then any change in view extent (zoom in/out or pan) may cause data to be queried from the spatial database. Data streaming happens in a background mode and does not interrupt the use of Bentley Map tools. Streaming can easily be turned on and off using the context menu for each feature. Or use the keyins described below.

Sometimes it is beneficial to have an overview view that does not affect or start the streaming process. A keyin is available to set data streaming per view. By default, all views are set to data streaming mode

gdi set streaming views=1,2

Sets streaming for views 1 and 2

gdi set streaming views=*,-8

Sets streaming for all views but disables for view 8

gdi set streaming features=[+|-]feature1, [+|-]feature2…

Sets streaming on (+) or off (-) for the defined features. An * can be used as a wildcard (road* will affect road_cl and road_EOP)

gdi set streaming enabled=true| false features=feature1, feature2

Sets streaming on or off for the defined features